2015 Eddie Hall World Record Deadlift 462kg / 1018.5lbs Arnold Classic Australia
In March 2015, Eddie Hall achieved the world record for lifting the weight of 462 kg in the deadlift. The record was achieved at the Arnold Classic in Australia, and Arnold Schwarzenegger was present to cheer him on.
Bridie O'Donnell claims the UCI Hour Record (2016)
Australian cyclist Bridie O’Donnell breaks the Women’s UCI Hour Record at the beginning of 2016.
Dimitar Savatinov - Shoulder Press (2016)
Dimitar Savatinov set the world record lift with a circus dumbbell or Monster Dumbbell at the Australian Arnold on March 20th 2016.
Vlah Alhazov - Squat (2018)
Alhazov squatted a ridiculous 505kg at the ProRaw Powerlifting exhibition at the Arnold Sport Festival in Australia.
Jo Firth - Archery (2016)
Athlete Jo Firth broke the W1 Women's world record at the 2016 Paralympic Selection Shoot held at Lilleshall National Sports & Conferencing Centre.
Ahmed Kelly - Men's 100M Breaststroke MC